Tuesday, March 4, 2008

INCrowd Interview, 3/4/08 - Rhonda Yenna, passionandpatience

This week I'd like to introduce Rhonda Yenna of PassionandPatience...

What part of Indiana are you from?
I was born in Muncie, raised in Eaton (don't laugh), moved to Fort Wayne to go to college a long time ago and just stayed. Hick Hoosier to the core.

What is your craft of choice?
My craft, obsession, my life's blood is cross stitch. Kamikaze cross stitch. What a freak.

How did you get started? Who/What motivates and inspires you?
I got started in the whole craftiness biz when I was 5 or 6 years old. Stamped cross stich...pillowcases, stuff like that. Migrated to crewel embroidery and needlepoint. Apparently, those weren't regimented enough so I started doing cross stitch.
My all time motivator is my mom - marjmar to us Etsyians. Ever since I can remember she was sewing, painting, or knitting something. She decided to entirely gut the inside of her house at 60 and remodel it from the outside walls in, by herself! Talk about motivational. She used to tell me that I was too flighty to finish anything...boy, have I gone the OTHER way. I started creating my own cross stitch charts because, 1. I was too cheap to pay $15 a chart on Mystic Stitch even though Michael Humphries is my all-time favorite artist, and 2. I really like micro photography and thought some of those pictures would make amazing cross stitch pictures. As you can see, I'm a tad fanatical about my cross stitch.

Let's see some of your favorites...

Backyard Treasures...

Mr Moon...

Customized Birth Sampler...

Tribute To The Inner Pooh In You...


Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

I dig long walks on the beach, big dogs...no wait...that is a different kind of bio... :)

Thanks, Rhonda!

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