Where were you born & raised?
I was born and raised in Heber City, Utah.
Where are you now & what led you there?
I am currently living in Wasilla, Alaska. I moved here with my parents.
The obvious question arises: do you know Governor Sarah Palin?
Yes, I know the governor. Very sweet woman, I hope the best for her.
How'd you get started creating?
I pick up hobbies all the time. I need a creative outlet, something to do with my hands and keep me busy. I enjoy other hobbies, although beading is my new favorite one!
What types of creations do you sell in for your Etsy shop(s)?
I mostly sell handmade jewelry in my Etsy shop. It's my new hobby. I have another shop called GingertreeCreations but it's empty right now.
What's your educational background, as it relates to your work?
I have no educational background in beadery or jewelry, I teach myself.
What's your muse, or what turns that little creative light inside you on?
My creative light twinkles when I see "new to me jewelry" that I just love. I tell myself, "You can do that!" So then I try.
What's your favorite thing about selling on Etsy?
My favorite thing about selling on Etsy is the shopping, I love seeing others' creations. There are so many creative people out there!
Are you a member of any Street Teams?
No, I do not belong to any street teams. I don't know what street teams are.
Recommend your five favorite shops on Etsy.
It's very hard to recommend my five favorite Etsy shops......
Show us your three favorite listings from your own shop.
Green Beaded Ladle



Hope you enjoy!
We do. Thanks, alaskanphoenix!
I'm flattered to have been named as a favorite shop! Thanks alaskanphoenix!