Saturday, November 1, 2008

INCrowd Interview, 11/1/08 - aka EarthApology

We've got a relative newbie with a real feel for the beauty of the Earth and her produce, folks!! Dig what earthapology has to say:

What types of creations do you sell in for your Etsy shop(s)?
My shop is Earthapology - JEWELRY WITH A PURPOSE. I make handmade, beaded necklaces and braceletes with the power and energy of gemstones and crystals you program and activate to your unique outcome and desire.

How'd you get started creating?
I have always loved jewelry and being creative. A friend turned me onto gemstones and how to manifest them to help you achieve your desires. Soon I was reading every book I could about crystals and stones and visiting every metaphysical store in sight! Not long after I took a beading class and fell in love! Soon all my family and friends were interested and wanting jewelry and education on how they can incorporate crystals into their lives.

What's your muse, or what turns that little creative light inside you on?
Music. I can’t just say, “I will go make a piece of jewelry.” I need to get in the mode and turning on music always does the trick. I listen to lots of jam bands, indie rock, classic rock-my list goes on and on…

Do you belong to any Street Teams? If so, which ones and why?
Other than the INCrowdTeam? No, but I would love too. Put that on my list of things to look into….

What's your favorite thing about selling on Etsy?
The networking and all the amazing and creative people out there…

Show us the three best items in your shop:

I Heart the Planet

Orange-e-luscious Carnelian Necklace (sold)

HOW CUTE Black and White Necklace for LUCK (sold)

Recommend your five favorite shops on Etsy.
Too many, how to pick just 5???
PinkPosieDesigns – I love all her adorable and fun bags and frames!
SincearJewelry – most unique hand threaded earrings
stephaniegibson – her chunky designs are so cool
AspenSpa – love, love the amazing sugar and salt scrubs
northmountaincandles – yummy diffusers and candles

Anything else to add?
I am a newer seller and still working on building up an on-line inventory. So any help and referrals are appreciated! I love my pieces and know you will too!

THANKS!!!! And remember...wake up each day with a smile, anything is possible today!

Oh, alright. Thanks!!


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