Where were you born & raised?
born in Indy, raised here and in New Mexico
Where are you now & what led you there?
We live just southwest of Indy near Mooresville. Family ties and work brought us here. Work is good.
What types of creations do you sell in for your Etsy shop(s)?
I mostly sell bath and body products, but I also enjoy making brooches and hair accessories in my second shop, Accessoire. A good portion of brooches sold go across the pond, I guess I'm trendy in London. ;)
What's your educational background, as it relates to your work?
I worked for many years as a cake decorator. I also would paint murals and decorative pieces. Those areas help tremendously when planning soaps and brooches from an artistic viewpoint.
How'd you get started creating?
I'm not sure I can remember when it all started, since I could hold a crayon, at least. If I'm not creating, I'm not happy. I don't function well if I'm not in the process of planning or making something. It's my therapeutic medium.
Do you belong to any Street Teams? If so, which ones and why? If not, why not?
I do! I have 3 street teams I'm a part of. The INCrowd was my first team, since I live in Indy, it just was an easy choice, and I'm honored they accepted me. Also, because of my bath and body background, I'm a part of the SoaperStars Team. It's full of a great bunch of soapmakers that make up THE best bath and body products on this planet. The Goon Team is a distinguished bunch of lads and lasses that frequent the Something Awful forums and even though they might have stairs in their homes, they are protected. ;)
What's your favorite thing about selling on Etsy?
Soap!! It is my passion! Not only that, I feel I've formulated a superb product. I wouldn't sell if I didn't. =)
Recommend your five favorite shops on Etsy.
Only 5?!?! ...ok, ok.
And three of your beloveds from your own shop?
Here's 3 photos for you, my faves!
This one will be renamed "Dead Sea Spa" when relisted in the next week or so.
Psst...it is also being featured in the Indianapolis Monthly special edition Shops Magazine coming out on newsstands next month. =)

For this one, Myth, I just love the essential oil blend. It's peppery and bright, just intoxicating!

This next one is a best seller, Neroli Chamomile. Just a lovely orange blossom fragrance.

Again, thanks Amber!
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