Where were you born & raised?
Louisville born, Kentuckiana raised!
Where are you now & what led you there?
same place, living life close to family!
What types of creations do you sell in for your Etsy shop(s)?
Custom items, vintage items, jewelry, just a lot of different things.
What's your educational background, as it relates to your work?
I have a degree in business management and marketing, pretty much relates to having my own little hobby spot on Etsy.
How'd you get started creating?
I've been making things since I could hold a pair of scissors or a crayon. It's in my blood, I must create, it just feels right and it's definitely part of my calling in life. Sewing, jewelry, scrapbooking, anything and everything in between, I've made items from full size Halloween props to little earrings to match my outfits for any occasion.
What's your muse, or what turns that little creative light inside you on?
Reading, fashion, nature, just the everyday types of things in my life, my boyfriend inspires me, my family does as well.
Do you belong to any Street Teams? If so, which ones and why?
I belong to the INCrowdteam 'cause I'm a Hoosier and I'm a part of the Christian Artists Street Team (CAST) because I came to know Christ early in life and wanted to be a part of the Christian crafters.
What's your favorite thing about selling on Etsy?
It's easy, it's fun, it helps you earn a little hobby cash and it's fulfilling to see your items online.
Recommend your five favorite shops on Etsy.
Show us pictures of your three favorite items from your own shop.
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Thanks, Nicole!!
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